The SMA is linked to the General Directorate of the Ministry of Overseas Territories in France. It concerns young people aged 18 to 25 who have not chosen the job market. The SMA provides a targeted response to unemployment, exclusion and illiteracy in the areas where it operates. It is also a response to the de-socialisation to which many young people are prey.

A key player in the French overseas territories

The SMA was created in 1961. Its mission is to facilitate the professional integration of young people so that they can enter the workforce. This mainly concerns young volunteers and those who find themselves in a situation of failure or marginalisation. These subjects are mainly located in the overseas collectivities. The units that make up the SMA are designed to intervene in the event of a rescue or emergency. They come to the aid of civil and armed forces. They can intervene in the event of a cyclone, for example. The senior zone commanders are the ones who have authority over the ADM. In addition, these teams can also enhance the value of the overseas departments and communities via external practical work camps.

The SMA for the employment and training of young people

Each year, the SMA recruits approximately 40% of illiterate young people and 60% of young people without diplomas. The SMA offers a course aimed at strengthening and developing the socio-professional skills of those who receive training. The latter will have the status of volunteers within the armed forces. In general, all young people recruited into the SMA regiments are trained and made aware of the risks existing in the territory where they operate. They are also educated on how to react in the event of a natural disaster. The training in question is first and foremost initial military training. In addition, there is refresher training, civic education and first aid training. Pre-vocational training is also included in the programme. The course will culminate in a personal aptitude certificate and will be completed by a driving licence.

The objectives of the SMA2025 project

The method and results of the SMA have enabled it to launch the SMA2025. This project is characterised by four objectives, one of which is to develop the initial employability of young people. This involves strengthening individual skills. The second objective is the reinforcement of the quality of the pathway in order to achieve sustainable effectiveness. Then there is the insertion of the digital shift via certain adapted pedagogical tools. The last objective is the amplification of the role of each regiment as a local platform. It is important to know that the SMA is a key player in the resilience of overseas France.