When it comes to optimising the reputation of a website, the question of referencing is paramount. Today, two referencing systems are used, namely SEO and SEA. Here is what you need to know about SEA.

SEA: what is it?

Search Engine Advertising (SEA), also known as "paid search", is one of the search strategies used in the field of web marketing. Unlike natural search engine optimization (SEO), which is based on organic search engine results, this technique focuses more on advertisements and sponsored links. In short, paid search consists of renting a place in search engines with the aim of appearing on the first pages of search results. In this practice, the advertiser pays a certain amount of money to its host each time an Internet user is interested in the advertisement to be promoted. Depending on the contract with the search engine that is responsible for displaying the advertisement, the remuneration can be based on the Cost Per Click (CPC), the Cost Per Thousand (CPM) or the Cost Per Acquisition (CPA).

SEA: what are its main objectives?

SEA is one of the marketing tactics designed to optimise website development and online sales. Like all SEO systems, its main objective is to increase traffic and sales for the owners of the sites that use this technique. In fact, paid referencing enables a website to be positioned in the first pages of search engines. It thus increases the visibility of the advertisement and subsequently makes it possible to attract customers and effectively sell the items offered. The other objective of paid referencing is to help those who wish to stand out from the competition. Through the use of well-targeted and highly relevant keywords, Internet users will, in the majority of cases, come across the SEA referenced site instead of that of its competitors.

SEA: who is it aimed at?

Contrary to popular belief, the size of a company has no impact on SEA. Anyone can apply it according to their choice and the needs of their company. Thus, whether for professionals or individuals, this marketing strategy is a much better alternative. However, there are certain criteria that are essential to the success of a good paid referencing. Firstly, this advertising campaign depends on the range and usefulness of the products to be promoted. The more popular the products are, the more visitors the site will receive and the more sales it will be able to make. In addition, the success of the SEA also depends on the budget made available by the advertiser. In order to appear and rank well in the search results, the advertiser has to pay for the clicks made by visitors at a high price.