There are many agencies that claim to specialise in SEO. However, not all of them are competent. Certain criteria should be taken into account in order to understand who will be able to improve the SEO of your site. They will guarantee a better follow-up of the performance over time. They also ensure a quality relationship with the agency.

Optimal transparency on services

The nature of the services must be explained to you in a comprehensible and concrete manner. Whatever the level of understanding of SEO in Geneva, a competent agency will always be able to put itself within your reach. The agency should also be able to provide you with clear examples of the current optimisations it carries out on client accounts and also explain to you what the different types of action are aimed at. Before finishing the action plan, an agency will usually conduct a thorough SEO audit, while analysing the different structures of the site as well as its content. In addition, this will result in negative and positive points: a qualified agency will also be able to point out aspects of the site that are not worth correcting. This means that you do not have to make the extra corrections that are sometimes unnecessary. In the agency you choose, a specific contact person will be dedicated to managing your SEO. In principle, a relationship of trust is established with this person. In case of emergency or to study actions, you can contact this person and he/she will give you concrete answers. Your SEO will also provide rigorous reporting, usually on a weekly basis. In order to obtain complete data and analyse the behaviour of Internet users, a tool is frequently used. In his report, the account manager will indicate what actions were taken from the last report, and formulate advice for the next period. The agency must clearly indicate the frequency and nature of the actions, adapting them to your needs and structure.

Going beyond SEO

Several agencies offer complementary services to SEO in Geneva. Sometimes these can effectively compensate for natural referencing that is weak or which has little potential. Whether or not it offers management of levers such as affiliation and social networks, a SEO agency can generally provide recommendations that include other levers. Sometimes, it is necessary to admit that the possibilities of progress in SEO in Geneva are limited and that other solutions will be more appropriate to the situation. A new approach of requesting a SEO audit and a quote may also be considered for the other levers. For referencing on Google, the rates vary according to the type of referencing: paid or natural. In any case, there are many ways to improve your SEO. You should therefore inform yourself well on the subject.

Measuring the promise of results

For SEO, optimising the website is done according to established rules, often bringing positive results. However, the extent of the results depends strongly on the site itself, its audience and its activity. It is therefore not possible to announce with certainty the numerical results. The serious agency knows this and will also propose actions to optimise the natural referencing. However, it will not commit itself to a precise level of performance. It is essential to bear this point in mind and to take the promises made by certain agencies with measure. Commitments of this kind made by the agency must be contractualised, otherwise it may be considered invalid. Your commitment to the agency must be clear. The serious agency does not always have to resort to long-term contracts in order to retain its client. A reasonable length of engagement is usually a maximum of one year. Any renewal of the contract should be announced in advance. There should be no tacit renewal.

Longevity of the relationship

The first results of actions taken are generally not instantaneous. Natural referencing is the lever for a relatively slow progression. In this case, it is essential not to jump to the conclusion that the agency is incompetent when results are slow in coming. The first effects on raking should be felt after about six months. In order to determine the extent of progress, consider checking the positioning at regular intervals. Competent SEO experts should listen to you. They should also offer customised solutions that match your ambitions and structure. The SEO audit should be accompanied by relevant advice in line with the strategy. Thanks to appropriate optimisations over a long period of time, it is always possible to improve the referencing, whatever the state of the site. Build a trusting relationship with the agency to ensure lasting and more positive results.