In the face of the pandemic that is now sweeping the globe, it is essential to find solutions not only to deal with it, but also to protect oneself. Despite confinement and many other measures taken by heads of state, Covid-19 is still growing and causing more and more deaths in many countries. However, as an employer, it is your duty to protect your employees. Whether it is by introducing rules that further strengthen the barrier measures or by introducing new measures to prevent the spread of the virus and to protect the health of your employees.

Adherence to barrier measures

The first rule is to respect the so-called "barrier actions". The State imposes on all citizens the respect of these barrier actions. As a reminder, here they are: - Clean your hands with soap and water or use hydroalcoholic gel frequently.   - Cough or sneeze into your elbow or into a handkerchief to avoid spreading the virus if you are contaminated. - Dispose of tissues immediately after each use. - Wearing a mask is mandatory and should be remembered. - Avoid holding hands, hugging or greeting each other by shaking hands. - Respect the physical distance of 1 metre.

Equip your employees properly

To protect your employees from Covid-19, you should equip them properly. First of all, it is your obligation to offer protective masks to each of your employees. There are many suppliers of both disposable and fabric masks for this purpose. For those whose activities involve direct communication with customers, providing visors to complement the protective equipment is necessary and essential. You can also put-up Plexiglas in your reception areas to prevent physical contact. And most importantly, place hydroalcoholic gel in each department and make it available to your customers.

Common sense advice

In order to protect your employees as much as possible, you should apply these tips: - Air the rooms every 3 hours. This can take 15 to 20 minutes. - Clean all objects and work surfaces with appropriate products (alcohol, etc.). - Disinfect workplaces after employees leave and clean rooms daily. To combat Covid-19, you should protect yourself well.